


Retired black-ops CIA agent Frank Moses reunites his unlikely team of elite operatives for a global quest to track down a missing portable nuclear device.


“Red 2” is an even bigger action-adventure which story moves all around the world from America to Russia and Europe. After trying to run the normal life, Frank realises he was targeted by some people. His friend joins him and also the wife, while figuring it out who it was the more characters comes around him and one of it was the famous Korean actor Lee Byung Hun. Because of him we are lucky to witness some real action sequences where the rest were old and weak. I guess that fits with the film somehow.

It is a very enjoyable film; it has great action scenes, the plot is solid and it has some very good performances. Anthony Hopkins is great; his role as Bailey is almost like Hannibal Lecter on happy pills. Helen Mirren is excellent yet again as the vicious Victoria and Mary-Louise Parker does well again as Sarah. However Bruce Willis does, at points, come across uncomfortably unconvincing; yet he’s good in other parts of the film. I am unfortunately losing hope in his ability; we are a million miles away from a certain John McClane. I think John Malkovich is a superb actor, but the dialogue and material he was given didn’t match his acting skills.

The DVD comes with a digital copy, deleted scenes, featurette and a gag reel. The Dolby 5.1 track is pretty expansive for a film like this. However, the standard definition transfer suffers from digital noise. It shows up throughout the Costco and related interior scenes. But, it eventually drops off. I’d recommend a purchase to fans.


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