When an invasion of prehistoric creatures terrorizes North America, visionary inventor Evan Cross (Niall Matter) assembles a team of highly-trained scientists and animal experts to handle the threat. From their cutting edge headquarters, The Tank, they hunt these deadly predators and investigate the anomalies that bring them through time.
After witnessing his wife die in a freak Tyrannosaurus Rex accident years earlier, Evan Cross became obsessed with discovering the origins of the strange magnetic anomalies which appear out of nowhere and seem to be portals to Jurassic Park. With his faithful CFO Ange Finch keeping his business solvent and his agenda clear, Cross dedicates his time and considerable resources to solving the mystery, unaware that across the pond in the mother country, savvy secret agents have been spanking the same lizards for years.
The show has lots of promises and becomes a great show, if the writers keep up the pace and keeps its audience on their edge, and blend in some hints and maybe some of the old cast here and there, its after all a crossover show from the original series, and that means that they need to keep it true to its original show but still be able to bring in new stories and get the show to flow in both new directions and still be a series they can call Primeval.
The Blu-Ray comes with featurettes. The A/V Quality is pretty sharp for what I’m assuming is a Canadian production. The 1080p transfer shows off a smidge of that TV digital shimmer. Still, the DTS-HD 5.1 master audio track is lossless and shines throughout the presentation. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to fans.