“Cutie Mark Quests” is a compilation of five episodes about Harmony returning and the Cutie Map. The Cutie Mark Crusaders take the forefront, as they search for their own Cutie Marks. Eventually, they find a village where everyone has lost their Cutie Marks. Identity issues abound for the Brony set, as the Ponies learn that these marks only have the importance that you place on them. Good times were had by all.

My Little Pony is probably more popular than ever with the Friendship is Magic era. That being said, it often feels like 5 minutes of story packed into 22 minute installments. Compared to the old show which was an extended toy commercial, this show tries hard. If you’re a fan of the younger Ponies, then this is it for you.

The DVD comes with a sing-along as the only special features. The A/V Quality is on par with the last few releases. The transfer is flat, but strong enough. The Dolby 5.1 track remains expansive. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to fans.

Release Date: 6/30/15

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