Moonbug Entertainment, the creative force behind beloved children’s shows like “CoComelon” and “Blippi,” in collaboration with Disney Branded Television, is set to captivate young audiences and families worldwide with the launch of “Morphle and the Magic Pets.” This new CGI original series is scheduled to premiere on Disney Junior and Disney+ on Wednesday, March 20, 2024. Offering a mix of 52 seven-minute episodes and 50 three-minute shorts, the series promises to deliver an enriched viewing experience with its premium look and deeper storytelling, building on the success of the original “Morphle” series on YouTube.
A Magical World of Adventure and Friendship
“Morphle and the Magic Pets” invites viewers to join Mila and her stepbrother, Jordie, as they embark on magical adventures with Morphle, Mila’s enchanted pet capable of morphing into anything she imagines. Together, they navigate a world filled with mischievous magic pets, solving problems and making “magic matches” for each unique and humorous newcomer they encounter. At its core, the series celebrates the power of imagination, the joy of adventure, and the unbreakable bond of friendship that makes anything possible.
Expanding Morphle’s Universe with Disney
Olivia Chausson, General Manager of Morphle at Moonbug Entertainment, expressed enthusiasm about bringing the expanded world of Morphle to Disney platforms. She highlighted the team’s ambitious plans for the franchise, driven by Morphle’s transformative abilities and the rich universe of magic pets. The collaboration with Disney is a significant step in introducing “Morphle and the Magic Pets” to a global audience, leveraging new touchpoints to reach families everywhere.
Alyssa Sapire, Senior Vice President of Development, Series & Strategy at Disney Junior, shared the excitement for the new series, noting Morphle’s proven appeal among preschoolers on YouTube. The partnership with Moonbug Entertainment aims to further develop the characters and their world, offering young viewers more in-depth adventures and opportunities to form meaningful connections with the characters.
Behind the Magic
The original “Morphle” YouTube series laid the groundwork for this imaginative universe, and “Morphle and the Magic Pets” promises to expand upon it with more substantial narratives and character development. The series is based on the creative vision of Arthur van Merwijk and was co-developed by Mark Palmer (“Hello Ninja”) and Consulting Producer Jill Sanford (“Go! Go! Cory Carson”), with Nick Confalone (“Helpsters”) serving as Story Editor.
Following its U.S. premiere, “Morphle and the Magic Pets” will be introduced to audiences around the world (excluding China) on Disney+ and Disney Junior, allowing children and families to dive into the magical, transformative adventures of Mila, Jordie, and Morphle.
For more insights into Moonbug’s engaging programming and upcoming projects, visit Don’t miss the enchanting world of “Morphle and the Magic Pets” coming to Disney Junior and Disney+ this March, where magic, comedy, and the wonders of friendship await.