“Millennium” is one of those films that WGN and HBO used to cycle throughout my afternoons circa 1990-1994. It was weird being able to pinpoint Canadian actors and weird location flaws due to seeing the film daily for about two years. That’s not to say that I purposely set out to watch the film that much, but it was always on while I was doing homework. Needless to say, a Sci-Fi film about Kris Kristofferson meeting with time travelers due to air traffic control issues is pretty terrible. Plus, the makeup design plays like a weird mash-up of “Brazil” and “Logan’s Run”.

“R.O.T.O.R.”  is one of those films that I discovered later in college, while remembering marveling at the VHS box art as a kid. In the distant year of 2013, the police don’t have answer for rampant crime. They team with cybernetics expert to make an automated cop that dispenses justice no matter the cost. If you jaywalk, R.O.T.O.R. will murder nuns to get to you. This is the kind of movie that “Kung Fury” tries to be with its hipster touches.

Both movies are known for looking notoriously cheap. While that has some aesthetic flair, I find that it makes a nice counterbalance to the bigger studio pictures of the era. Movie audiences need lower budget schlock to expand upon entertainment ideas and show us where the genre can go. We also need a robot cop that kills people over parking tickets. Everyone has a seat at the glorious table of low budget entertainment.


  • Millennium
    • Trailer
    • Alternate Ending
  • R.O.T.O.R.
    • Trailer


  • Millennium
    • 1.85:1 1080p transfer
    • DTS-HD MA 2.0
  • R.O.T.O.R.
    • 1.78:1 1080p transfer
    • DTS-HD MA Mono

RELEASE DATE: 2/23/2016

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