Mayhem in the AM is out now! 3

Mayhem in the AM is out now!

Today is release day for a new comedy album from television’s original genius, Ernie Kovacs. After years of work and the help of Clown Jewels, the project is now a reality.

Mayhem in the AM: The Lost Radio Comedy of Ernie drops today on all major audio platforms. This never-heard-since-original-broadcast album revives Kovacs’ wild, absurd humor in his own words.

Mayhem in the AM Key Details

  • Album Title: Mayhem in the AM: The Lost Radio Comedy of Ernie
  • Release Date: Today
  • Availability: All major audio platforms
Mayhem in the AM is out now! 5

This release is just the beginning. Unreleased and rereleased audio and video from the vast Ernie Kovacs library will roll out in the coming months on digital, satellite, and physical platforms. More details will follow.

Ernie Kovacs, best known for his imaginative and gleefully absurdist TV show in the 1950s, was more than just a television icon. He was also a radio host, film actor, director, illustrator, novelist, essayist, columnist, and poet. His work continues to influence and entertain.

Stay tuned for more updates on this project as it brings a fresh look at Kovacs’ legacy for both longtime fans and newcomers alike.

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