The first-ever animated feature from StoryCorps celebrates the transformative power of listening. Listening Is an Act of Love: A StoryCorps Special presents six stories from 10 years of the innovative oral history project, where everyday people sit down together to ask life’s important questions and share stories from their lives.
“Listening is an Act of Love” is the first animated StoryCorps special that shows the importance of oral history. For those of you that are unfamiliar with StoryCorps, they are an organization that reaches millions with their NPR program. Spending most of the last decade collecting stories, they have now taken to exciting new formats to show America what unique tales are out there. This kind of material speaks to me, as I love listening to classic and modern Americana.
Six great stories and bonus shorts are presented in that Rauch Brothers style. They’re framed by Dave Isay and his nephew Benji discussing what makes them important. History is more than figures and facts in a book. The average person spends their life working within the constructs of a greater society in order to create a better living experience. I want to hear about how people connect and how they experience most of the major events of the last few decades. The human connection is the most important factor in deciphering history, even though most of these shorts tend to lean towards human interest. But, that’s just me and my tastes.
The DVD comes with interviews from StoryCorps officials as the only special features. The A/V Quality is strong with a supportive transfer and a Dolby audio track. The Dolby track doesn’t get much back channel action. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to fans of amazing documentaries.