


  1. A mysterious epidemic spreads across the planet. Humanity develops an irrational fear of open spaces that causes instant death. Soon, the world population is trapped inside buildings. As Barcelona descends into chaos, Marc sets off on a quest to find Julia, his missing girlfriend, without ever going outside.


“The Last Days” is a film about a mystery virus that has swept over the planet. People are becoming afraid to go outside, so everyone is starting to fight to stay inside of large structures. Social panic is a hard thing to pin down in a horror movie, but I admire what the Pastor Brothers tried to do here. When our hero decides to venture off to find his girlfriend, the film’s thematic bent slides a little. But, we get some decent visuals of trying to move across a city while staying indoors.

This is has to be the first horror film about agoraphobia. I know that I’m providing fodder to readers who will start e-mail blasting me with examples of films that did it first. However, I can’t really think of any other film that hit so many of the same times. Physical constraint and limited budgets have long been the staples of horror. I’m loving that the Spanish are embracing these points rather than going CG crazy like their American counterparts. I could see the film doing well with an American remake that has the budget to open up some of the bigger ideas presented in the film.

The DVD comes with a trailer as the only special features. The A/V Quality is adequate for a foreign semi-horror release. The transfer is strong enough, but feels washed out at times. Plus, the Dolby 5.1 Spanish language track often feels thin. In the end, I’d recommend a stream or rental.


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