Explores how animals understand the world around them through the eyes of three iconic creatures: dogs, birds, and dolphins. As we discover how scientists are pushing the animal mind to its limits, we’ll uncover surprising similarities to–and differences from–the human mind.


“Inside Animal Minds” is a collection of documentaries about the psychological make-up of dogs, birds and dolphins. It’s very fascinating and these creatures are so much like humans. That being said, there is a lot of restating of facts. Sure, I like to learn, but I felt like I was listening to a Chris Rock bit due to the constant repetition. The section about animal intelligence was fascinating, but I never got a sense of the standard of measurement. Your dog might be cool and listen to commands, but do we actually know what is going on in his cranium?

Understanding animal psychology is one of my favorite things and it’s probably the only reason I still watch Animal Planet. I’m sorry, guys. Watching midgets and pitbulls isn’t as entertaining as a never-ending marathon of “Too Cute”. I want to see animals thrive and I want to learn what I can do to help them in their ever-so short lives. Learning about the genetic makeup in a way that they will never comprehend gives me the tools as an animal lover to make sure that happens. What else would you do for your furry friends? Sentience brings the responsibility of caring, therefore we need material like this to learn all that we can do.

The DVD comes with no special features. The A/V Quality is pretty sharp for a PBS documentary. However, I found that the Dolby 2.0 track allowed a lot of dialogue to get stepped on. Not so much the narration, but random loose talk. Still, I’d recommend a purchase.

RELEASE DATE: 06/03/2014

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