I've been so stoked for this documentary that I dipped the DVD in Chromium.

The Image Revolution will make you think it's 1992 again.

“The Image Revolution” is a documentary about the founders and launch of Image. If you were expecting a rudimentary history of the company, you’re about right. What makes the documentary stand out is seeing private footage from the first years. Most of the material is standard Wiki stuff, but it’s another thing to hear from Liefeld and Silvestri about their famous feud. The non comic fans have probably gone to sleep by now.

While I won’t call it a major documentary, it’s a nostalgia blast for comic fans. This was the era when I got really serious into comics. I remember Liefeld meeting Eazy E, being on Dennis Miller Live and doing that commercial with Spike Lee. It was a big deal for someone that thought comic guys never got respect. I appreciate seeing how this was handled and Liefeld having the chance to apologize for letting it go to his head.

The DVD comes with extended interviews as the sole special features. The A/V Quality is strong for standard definition. Still, what do you have to show off in a documentary like this? Come for the comic history, stay to watch your childhood favorites age before your eyes. Well, Liefeld didn’t age that much. Deadpool keeps you young.

RELEASE DATE: 1/12/2016

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