“Growing Up Trans” is a stunning Frontline documentary that examines transitioning kids between the ages of 9 and 19. The gender program at the Children’s Hospital of Chicago allows PBS to show these kids working on what is their identity. The medical possibilities and struggles are detailed to a great degree, but we get to see the kids succeed in their journey. For those of you that find following a murdering hack of a former Olympian to be hard, these kids will be your new heroes.

It’s a brave new frontier in terms of medical discovery and it’s a good thing to have people find themselves. But, the kids aren’t always sure of themselves. While that provides for great difficulty, it’s amazing to see the young ones start to work on the larger issues of life. Some might be put off by seeing teenagers tackle the issues so early. But, how is it that different than the shit we put any other kid through and say that it’s just part of life? The DVD comes with no special features.

Release Date: 9/22/15

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