


Lauduree (Haney-Jardine) is a 13-year-old loner passionate about nature and worried about global warming. Greta (Amy Madigan), her grandmother, is a fiery nurse jaded by alcohol and disappointment. When Lauduree is abruptly abandoned by her dreamer single mom (Marin Ireland), she decides to take survival into her own hands, forcing her and Greta to rethink their futures. Featuring outstanding performances by Amy Madigan (Field of Dreams, Gone Baby Gone), Lili Taylor (Say Anything, Six Feet Under), William Sadler (The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile), Marin Ireland (Revolutionary Road, Rachel Getting Married) and newcomer Perla Haney-Jardine (Kill Bill Vol. 2, Spider-Man 3), Future Weather is a coming-of-age drama about saying goodbye to what we love and leaping into the unknown.


Lauduree is a 13-yr-old girl with a flaky single mother and a realistic, but not very tactful grandmother. Rey is a serious girl and a good student, especially drawn to science. When she latches onto the idea that we humans are drawing down natural resources too fast, carelessly endangering the whole Earth, she finds herself on a mission, almost as if she has to save the Earth.

What helps the characters drives the film is a great balance of dramatic emotion and knowledge. Environmental metaphors not only explain the premise but thanks to Deller’s brilliant script they subtly bring together the duel storyline thereby giving it an intelligent, yet relatable perspective. In fact, trying to guess where and how the scientific symbolism will relate to our protagonist is part of the fun and makes watching both interesting and entertaining. In addition, once Deller lays out her characters nothing seems forced.

The DVD comes with deleted scenes, trailer and short film as the special features. The A/V Quality is strong with a supportive transfer and a Dolby audio track. The Dolby track doesn’t get much back channel action outside of the few major crowd scenes. In the end, I’d recommend a rental.


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