Freestyle Digital Media Acquires North American VOD Rights for Titanic Documentary 3

Freestyle Digital Media Acquires North American VOD Rights for Titanic Documentary

Freestyle Digital Media, the digital film distribution division of Byron Allen’s Allen Media Group, has secured the North American VOD rights for the cultural documentary SHIP OF DREAMS: TITANIC MOVIE DIARIES. The film will be available to rent or own on digital HD internet, cable, and satellite platforms, as well as on DVD, starting February 11, 2025.

Inside the Documentary

SHIP OF DREAMS: TITANIC MOVIE DIARIES takes a deep dive into the legacy of James Cameron’s Titanic. The film offers an intimate look at the making of the blockbuster, featuring never-before-heard stories from its cast and devoted fans. British actress-turned-filmmaker Alexandra Boyd reunites her TITANIC co-stars to read diaries written over twenty-five years ago. Their personal recollections shed light on auditions and on-set experiences, bringing a fresh perspective to the film’s enduring impact.

The Passion of the Titaniacs

The documentary also highlights the extraordinary dedication of Titanic superfans, affectionately known as Titaniacs. These fans share how the film shaped their lives, from re-creating costumes and collecting props to forging lifelong friendships. Their passion mirrors James Cameron’s own meticulous attention to detail, making this project a moving tribute to one of cinema’s greatest achievements.

Freestyle Digital Media Acquires North American VOD Rights for Titanic Documentary 5

Behind the Scenes

Written and directed by Alexandra Boyd, SHIP OF DREAMS: TITANIC MOVIE DIARIES was produced by Nick Loren, Elizabeth Yng-Wong, and Boyd herself. The film features contributions from talent such as Kris Andersson, Mark Capri, Amy Gaipa, Linda Kerns, Rebecca Klingler, Ellen H. Mower O’Brien, Judy Prestininzi, Liam Tuohy, Peter White, and Nelson Aspen.

Ship of Dreams: Titanic Movie Diaries Deal Details

Freestyle Digital Media negotiated the rights directly with the filmmakers and Ryan Bury of MPX-Motion Picture Exchange. With its release scheduled for February 11, 2025, this documentary promises to capture the spirit and influence of Titanic, offering viewers an unprecedented look at the film’s legacy.

Stay tuned for more updates as SHIP OF DREAMS: TITANIC MOVIE DIARIES prepares to set sail across North American screens, inviting audiences to experience the story behind one of the most iconic films in cinematic history.

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