Discover the comedic genius of Ryan Martin Brown in his debut feature film, a hilarious exploration of life’s purpose and the quest for meaning amidst the chaos of the modern world. Starring Colin Burgess and boasting an ensemble of New York City’s brightest comedic talents, this uproarious comedy is set against the backdrop of America’s “Great Resignation,” capturing the essence of contemporary life with humor and insight.
For those eager to catch a glimpse before diving into the full experience, the trailer is available here, offering a sneak peek into the laughter and lunacy that await.
Catch this must-see comedy at its screenings in New York City at the Quad Cinema on March 22nd, and in Los Angeles at the Landmark Westwood Theatre on March 29th.
“Free Time” follows the story of Drew, who, on the cusp of leaving his twenties behind, seeks a radical change from his comfortable yet unfulfilling desk job to truly “embrace life.” As he navigates through a series of friends, hobbies, and aspirations, Drew quickly discovers the complexities of freedom and the challenges in finding genuine fulfillment.
Directed and written by Ryan Martin Brown, this comedy features standout performances by Colin Burgess, Rajat Suresh, Holmes, James Webb, Eric Yates, Jessie Pinnick, and Rebecca Bulnes. With a runtime of 78 minutes, this non-rated (NR) film is distributed by Cartilage Films, ensuring audiences are in for a treat filled with laughter, self-discovery, and the absurdities of life.
For more information, visit Cartilage Films’ official website: Cartilage Films.