Hell has come to the town of Burning Bush. When the terms of a deal with the devil made long ago resurface, the innocent must fight for their lives as the Devil aims to destroy everything and everyone in the town to reap the souls he was promised.


“Devil’s Deal” is about the Devil returning to a small Old West town to collect the souls that he was promised. Fair enough and routinely simple, the townspeople decide to rebel as most of them weren’t aware of the pact. They fight in the usual Western stand-off situation and a few people get taken out. That being said, it feels authentic in the old world terror sense. I just wish that someone could’ve figured out how to pace some of the scenes with the killer a smidge better. I buy that the town of Burning Bush is supposed to look dirty and washed out. But, what keeps the lighting from hitting the killer effectively?

Supernatural Westerns are certainly developing a cult following. I guess people like to see ghosts and other folk gallivanting around with six shooters. With the upcoming release of the “Town That Dreaded Sundown” remake, maybe I’m just wanting to see movies about killers in Western areas with their faces covered? That’s the neat thing about horror aesthetic and how it appeals to the individual. The movie might not be the greatest thing ever made, but expert horror knows how to draw your eyes towards the sheer visceral images unfolding before you.

The DVD comes with behind-the-scenes footage, trailer gallery and outtakes as the special features. You also get a Digital Copy. The transfer is pretty standard. Plus, the Dolby 5.1 track gets some room to create an environment. In the end, I’d recommend a rental.

RELEASE DATE: 10/14/2014

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