In 2001, China joined the World Trade Organization with the strong support of a Democratic President and Republican Congress. Before the ink was dry on this free trade agreement, China began flooding U.S. markets with illegally subsidized exports while the big multinational companies that had lobbied heavily for the agreement rapidly accelerated the off shoring of American jobs to China. Today, as a result of the biggest shell game in American history, China has stolen millions of our jobs, corporate profits are soaring, and we now owe over $3 trillion to the world’s largest totalitarian nation. This film is about how that happened… and why the best jobs program for America is trade reform with China.


“Death by China” is a one-sided approach to where fair trade has failed both America and China. By the time I finished the documentary, I was angry that no one had brought up NAFTA. The level of hysterical rhetoric thrown around would almost make you think that the release was for Right-Wing minded people. However, the sheer disgust shown towards Capitalism indicates that it is from a clear Leftist mindset. At times, it borders on xenophobic and other times it borders on inane gibberish.

There are no solutions offered in this documentary. Hell, it feels like a really well-made collegiate PowerPoint presentation at times. It’s an agitpop template that wants to hide as a documentary without really documenting anything. I hate to sound so negative, but I want to learn something from a documentary. This is the equivalent of being screamed at by a drunk Poli Sci professor at a community college. Unpleasant for all and nothing is gained.

The DVD comes with a commentary, statement video, music video and short film. The A/V Quality is strong for standard definition. The transfer lacks major punch-up. Still, it works for what it is. In the end, I’d recommend skipping it.


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