


A second string Tiger gets to jump through Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood and into his own setup.


“Daniel Tries Something New” is the latest compilation from Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. Daniel is guided by his babysitter and parents through all sorts of daring activities. He learns about playing, going to school and how to act when he goes out on the town. There’s also a lengthy bit about Show and Tell. If you’re Pre-K, then this is going to blow your mind. Do kids that young ever get their mind blown? I think I was halfway through elementary school before stuff started blowing my mind.

Daniel Tiger builds on the legacy of Fred Rogers in name only. There’s nothing here that bares a semblance of the old magic. But, it has the same goals while possessing the structure that modern kids understand. Does everything need to stay the same as the past? I don’t believe so, as long as the intentions are to educate and move forward in what a kid needs to know. That’s kind of the problem when you’re an older person checking out these discs. You view it as a parent, as an older viewer and as an amateur historian that knows the background of the property. You kept expecting something new to be said, but you never remember that it doesn’t need to say anything new. It just has to be correct and come across in a venue that makes kids understand what they’re learning.

The DVD comes with live-action music videos and printable activity/coloring pages as the special features. The A/V Quality is fairly typical. The transfer is strong enough for standard definition. The Dolby 2.0 stereo surround track pops up the front channels. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to parents of young kids.


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