COMET TV has new shows to air in January 2017. Plus, a contest! 3

COMET TV has new shows to air in January 2017. Plus, a contest!


COMET TV has a whole crop of Future-tastic films for January that will start your New Year out right!

There’s Futureworld airing:

Sunday, January 22 at 2am/1C
Wednesday, January 25 at 6/5C
Saturday, January 28 at Noon/11C
Monday, January 30 at 6/5C

Two years after the original Westworld tragedy, The Delos Corporation have reopened a variety of theme parks, but all is not what it seems.

There’s Mad Max airing:

Wednesday, January 25 at 2am/1C
Saturday, January 28 at 6/5C

In a not-too-distant dystopian future, Max (Mel Gibson), an officer with the Main Force Patrol, launches a personal vendetta against the gang when his wife (Joanne Samuel) and son are hunted down and murdered.

There’s Rollerball airing:

Friday, January 27 at 8/7C
Saturday, January 28 at 8/7C
Sunday, January 29 at 2/1C

In a remake of the 1975 classic, LL Cool J invites viewers to join in the new sport of… Rollerball. It’s a violent extension of roller derby with motorcycles, metal balls and adventure so intense it will cause Chris Klein to flee the country for his life.

Flash Gordon airing:

Friday, January 20 at Noon/11C

Flash… Ahhhh… King of the impossible! Ming Merciless has set his sights on destroying earth, and only one man can stand in his way…

Final Encounter airing:

Friday, January 21 at 10/9C
Friday, January 27 at 6/5C

Young soldiers (Dean Cain, Justin Whalin) become involved in a war that has lasted more than a century.

Available on television digi-networks and online at, COMET offers something for everyone and has an incredible array of movies that you simply can’t get with a subscription to streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon, or Hulu.

COMET TV has new shows to air in January 2017. Plus, a contest! 5


The prize pack features a spaceman USB light. Open the spaceman’s visor and he lights up for a fun and unique way to finish up those late night emails, or perhaps watch Comet online!

The pack also has some space age goodies including rock candy sticks as well as packs of Pop Rocks!


Just contact AV on any of the social media platforms. I’ll let the bot pick a winner at random.


Each household is only eligible to win ONE (1) COMET Space Man Landing Prize Pack via blog reviews and giveaways. Only one entrant per mailing address per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not be eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.

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