“The Campbells” is a family drama about moving into Canada during the 1830s. Do you dig references to the War of 1812 and passive aggressive fear of America? This is the show for you. Other than that, it’s 40 hours of nothing. My eyes could roll out of my skull, as I watched every minute of this thing.

Watching the titular family leave Scotland for Canada is about exciting as it sounds. The TV series feels like it was part of that “Little House” explosion that just took over TV for a decade. I get the appeal to older people, but this show lasted for years. That makes me insane, but I guess that work for CBC viewers back in the day.

The DVD comes with no special features. The A/V Quality is pretty flat. Still, it looks like any show of its age from the 1980s. That being said, it’s not going to wow anyone. I’d recommend a purchase to fans of vintage Canadian TV series.

Release Date: 6/23/15

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