THE BEST OF THE UNIVERSE: STELLAR STORIES, a two-DVD collection from H2T, continues to push boundaries by  taking viewers beyond the edges of our solar system and into the unfolding mysteries of the cosmos. Come along as THE  UNIVERSE examines our reliance on the moon and what it would be like to live without it, and listen as experts share their  insights about the thousands of objects that continue to plummet to Earth from outer space. Learn about real-life death stars  that might, at any moment, unleash a massive gamma ray burst that could eradicate all life across thousands of light years.  Explore the epic catastrophes that have helped shape the universe, including our very own Earth – once only a thin cloud of  dust and gas – and discover Nemesis, a planet often called the sun’s evil twin. Stunning CGI brings each mind-blowing topic  to life while scientists discuss cosmic realities that are fascinating and sometimes terrifying.


“The Best of the Universe” is here to showcase that History Channel does do educational programming. This was more let’s use CG and established footage to put together insane hypotheticals. Exploding stars and death rays from outer space are the kind of thing that captures one’s attention. That being said, the CG runs the gamut and most of the footage looks like video game cutscenes. Still, it works for a time.

The DVD comes with no special features. The Dolby track sets a stage, but it doesn’t have anything to show off. I’m not sure of that was the purpose of it, but it works. Plus, the transfer isn’t too bad for standard definition. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase.

RELEASE DATE: 12/10/2013

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