BEING HUMAN is not getting any easier for four twenty-something, supernatural roommates vampire Aidan,(Sam Witwer), ghost Sally,(Meaghan Rath)and werewolves Josh (Sam Huntington) and Nora (Kristen Hager). Together, they struggle to keep their dark secrets hidden from the world, while helping each other navigate the complexities of their double lives.


“Being Human” enters its third season with the desire to tackle heavy issues. But, they do it in a way that feels like bored teenage nerds trying to hatch weird ideas. The Josh and Nora pregnancy during the full moon thing comes to mind. If you already know and love the characters, you’ll look past it. However, the series has started this weird incline towards fanbase appeal that it will scare off any new viewers. Take that for what you will.

There is something about making monsters sympathetic that I never quite understood. The double life angle is on full display this season and it highlights everything that doesn’t work about the show for me. If I don’t care about the characters before the monster angle, then you’re just putting a cherry on a shit sundae. Monsters work from a place of fear. If we approach them from a place of misunderstanding, then we shift their purpose. That doesn’t quite work for me.

The Blu-Ray comes with featurettes and bloopers. The DTS-HD master audio track is supportive and create a sound stage. The 1080p transfer is on par with the past releases. It works for what it is. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to fans.

RELEASE DATE: 01/07/2014

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