An unpopular 15 year old gains immediate, yet unwanted, popularity at her high school when the student body mistakes an accident she has for a suicide attempt.


What new can be said about “Awkward”? It’s a teen show in the vein of “Easy A”, but it wants to kiss John Hughes’ undead ass so bad. Jenna, like most main characters on a teen show, is wise beyond her years and talks nothing like the average teenager. She has to deal with a slew of “realistic” teen issues. As is expected, there is plenty of sex, whether talking about it or actually doing it. The adults on this show are goofy and often lass mature than the teenagers. The acting ranges from average to awful, which makes the show even less believable

But what really bothered me about this show are the ‘values’ it conveys. I’m not a prude but when a show displays it as normal, when a 15-year old girl has a purely sexual relationship with a guy, who she lost her virginity to in a broom closet and who treats her like crap, without questioning it once, there is something very wrong. The same thing with the best friend who left out nothing to become popular at school.

The DVD comes with webisodes, featurettes, character intros, interviews and promo material as the special features. The A/V Quality is strong with a supportive transfer and a Dolby audio track. The Dolby track doesn’t get much back channel action outside of the few major crowd scenes. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to fans.


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