Asteroid City is an upcoming sci-fi comedy film written and directed by acclaimed filmmaker Wes Anderson. Set in 1955, the movie follows a fictional American Junior Stargazer convention taking place in a desert town. With retro-futuristic aesthetics, quirky characters, and Anderson’s signature visual style, Asteroid City promises a delightfully offbeat space-age adventure.
The ensemble cast includes Jason Schwartzman, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Hanks, Jeffrey Wright, Tilda Swinton, Bryan Cranston, and many more Anderson regulars. After an asteroid mysteriously vaporizes a rural community, Junior Stargazers from across the country gather for their annual competition while also investigating this cosmic event.
With plenty of oddball humor and a retro-inspired soundtrack, Asteroid City is poised to be another imaginative film from the iconic director Wes Anderson. Capturing his nostalgic sensibilities in a sci-fi setting, this 2023 release transports audiences to a charmingly eccentric world packed with humor and heart.