Join Christopher Kimball and the cast of America’s Test Kitchen to reveal the test kitchen’s secrets to foolproof cooking at home. From Modern Beef Burgundy and Garlicky Roasted Shrimp to No-Knead Brioche and Fresh Peach Pie, these recipes will work the first time you try them, thanks to the dozens of test cooks who develop, refine, and test recipes again and again until they arrive at the very best versions. And as always, discover the best ingredients, gadgets, and kitchen equipment for your money! These DVDs also include printable versions of all 52 recipes!These DVDs also include printable versions of all 52 recipes!


“America’s Test Kitchen” is going strong into its fourteenth season. While the recipes on the show appear to be daunting, the test cooks have gone out of their way to show you how to reproduce them in the comforts of your home. I can say that the Garlicky Shrimp is nearly impossible to screw up, as long as you pay close attention. That might be asking a lot. I don’t know, guys. Just do your best.

There are so many recipes presented here that it can seem daunting. Everything from breakfast food to ethnic samplings and sweet American classics are covered across the thirteen hours of episodes. If you don’t have a Foodie bone in your body than the hours of creation and prep work might leave you yawning. But, if that were the case, you wouldn’t have even clicked on this link. If you’re not hooked by the modern take on Pizza and Grilled Cheese, you’re not getting hooked.

The DVD comes with no special features. But, you’re getting 13 hours worth of material spread across four discs. That’s a lot of content for any show. The A/V Quality is strong enough with a rather supportive Dolby track. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to amateur chefs everywhere.


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