


A modern day family becomes bored with the hassles of the city life in Los Angeles and moves to the Rocky Mountains, never to return in the Lionsgate Home Entertainment release of the Adventures of the Wilderness Family Trilogy. Now, for the first time ever, the three individual movies will arrive remastered and available with stunning digital transfers. Endorsed by the Dove Foundation as Family Approved, this timeless G-rated film speaks to the heart of family togetherness.


“The Adventures of the Wilderness Family” will be a hard adjustment for kids that are used to fast cuts and high energy. There was a time where any low budget outfit would combat Disney’s live-action productions with family fare of their own. The end result was that they used more natural landscapes and played to small budget strengths. However, most of these families were very drawn out. That doesn’t fare well with Generation ADHD.

This movie has held up from my forced class viewings in the 3rd grade. But, that’s like saying that the old Health videos weren’t as bad you remembered. I have to credit the indie productions of the mid 1970s for trying to create something that went above its limited means. That being said, the Robinson family are nothing but a bunch of Thoreau disciples in a modern world. This doesn’t bode well for them, but whatever does? If they could find a way to deal with the US Forest Service, they would be in the clear.

The DVD comes with no special features. The Dolby 5.1 track has a strong mix, but few moments to really shine. The transfer is workable, but it sports the same issues that comes with standard definition. That being said, it won’t push away the target audience. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to families.

RELEASE DATE: 10/07/2014

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