Welcome to the land of Ooo...in standard definition.
“The Enchiridion” is a sixteen episode compilation of the best episodes involving the titular ancient tome. Most of these episodes are what actually got me into the series, so it was fun revisiting them. Still, they all pale in comparison to “Betty”. “Betty” is another episode dedicated to the Ice King’s complicated past and how he ended up in the Land of 000. I would’ve liked to have seen some Marceline, but I’ll wait for “Stakes” in the fall.
What’s so neat is that the compilation sprawls from Season 1 to stuff from last year. In that sense, you get to see the material mature and go deep into the seemingly dark origins of this Candy laced land. All the while, the Enchiridion hides in the grassy meadows like some kid version of the Book of the Dead. Why can’t we get a Lich compilation to go along with it? That would be nice.
The DVD comes with no special features. The A/V Quality is on par with the last few compilations. The transfer is flat, but shows no signs of issues. The Dolby 2.0 track is supportive. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to fans.
RELEASE DATE: 10/6/2015