Metal as a demonic Kiwi.
“Deathgasm” continues New Zealand’s long streak of amazing low budget horror films. A local metalhead has been dumped on fundie relatives after his mom went crazy. Now, he’s trying to shred and earn the respect of a local hero. This unfortunately leads to a sheet of music that summons a killer demon. Demonic possession and garage bands go together in the best way.
If you’re a fan of metal or low budget gore, this is for you. Hell, if you’re interested in either party then you’re already here. I forgot to mention how funny the film turned out to be. Milo Cawthorne is a great lead and I can’t wait for the recently announced sequel. Hopefully, they can up the practical effects budget for their second bow.
The Blu-Ray comes with a commentary, featurettes, music video, trailer and teaser as the special features. The A/V Quality is pretty solid for an indie film. The 5.1 surround track is pretty lossy, which was surprising. Still, the 1080p transfer is solid and makes the heavy action come to life. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase.
RELEASE DATE: 1/5/2016