Spend Valentine’s Day with your favorite divorced elderly couple…The Fabelmans. The Fabelmans comes to Blu-ray, 4K UHD and all home video formats on February 14th. But, what does that mean for you…the discerning Spielberg fan?

What’s on the disc as The Fabelmans comes to home video?
Well, this is the first time in awhile where I’ve seen the DVD portion actually loses special features. Honestly, it’s about time your grandparents upgraded their physical media output. If they’re not streaming, then at least get them watching Spielberg’s latest on the best possible formats.
So, what does the Blu-ray and 4K UHD receive?
You get the Spielberg journey through the Fabelmans documentary piece on all formats.
The exclusives are the cast talking about the film and the set/costume design that went into building their world.
Asking Spielberg for a commentary is like asking Lynch for chapter stops. It’s not going to happen.