Monday, February 10, 2025

Top 5 This Week

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“Snatched” is terrible. But, the summer movie season can’t all be winners. What about this movie doesn’t work? I like the director’s previous films such as “50/50” and “The Night Before”. Goldie Hawn is making a wonderful return to the big screen after 15 years away. Hell, Joan Cusack even lands a funny bit role. As the film opens this weekend, I keep wondering why didn’t this Mother’s Day friendly film work? Then, I had to watch the last season of “Inside Amy Schumer” earlier this week.

When a comedian hits a brick wall super hard, it’s not good. In spite of that atrocious Netflix special, it’s not because Schumer isn’t funny. She’s just lost a sense of what worked upon initial success. Some will take this as boo-hooing over her political stances or constant reliance on vagina talk. If you have a problem with that second part, elements of this film won’t work for you. Goldie Hawn is a sport and works super hard to produce chemistry with Schumer.

The material is there, most of the mid-section jokes land and they stick the close. It’s just the slog of putting up with so much cliche by way of Line-A-Rama to make this film hit that bare minimum run time. Honestly, whomever cut this film down to a scant 90 minutes deserves a pay bump. It’s long enough to make you check your phone a few times, but it’s not long enough to become truly obnoxious. But, here’s the real test.

Will your Mother want to see it this weekend? Honestly, yeah. Here’s the thing that film fans tend to forget. Most seasonal/Holiday shlock is meant to be disposable fare to appeal to key demos at select times. Your mom wants to see Goldie Hawn work again. She’ll tell you that the Kate Hudson is her daughter and you’ll feign being impressed with her trivia. All the while, the two of you slowly realize that this is one less Mother’s Day you get to spend together. Insert wet fart noise here.


  • R
  • 1 hr and 30 mins
  • 20th Century Fox


Troy Anderson is the Owner/Editor-in-Chief of AndersonVision. He uses a crack team of unknown heroes to bring you the latest and greatest in Entertainment News.

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