Coming to theaters and digital platforms on May 19th, Outpost is a gripping thriller that explores the harrowing experiences of a woman who has suffered a violent assault at the hands of her abusive ex. Written and directed by Joe Lo Truglio (from FOX’s “Brooklyn Nine-Nine”), the film features an all-star cast, including Beth Dover (“Orange is the New Black”), Ato Essandoh (“Chicago MED”), Dylan Baker (‘Spider-Man’ trilogy), Becky Ann Baker (“Freaks and Geeks”), Dallas Roberts (Glass Onion), Ta’Rea Campbell, Tim Neff, and D.R. Anderson.
In the movie, the woman asks her best friend for help escaping her ex and is given a job as a fire lookout in the mountains of northern Idaho, hoping the peaceful solitude will heal her trauma. However, the PTSD and isolation soon take a toll, and she finds herself in a fight for survival against both herself and the town.
Outpost is a powerful and thought-provoking film that explores themes of survival, redemption, and the resilience of the human spirit. It is a must-see for fans of gripping thrillers and powerful storytelling.