Saturday, February 8, 2025

Top 5 This Week

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“Exits and Entrances” is the pinnacle of the EMR Dench Classics releases. While no new ground is broken, we get to listen to the best of Shakespeare recited by the Denchs and friends. I’ve been enjoying the recent Shakespeare birthday celebrations and celebrities reciting the original works. But, I haven’t stopped listening to this disc for the last month. Judi Dench has found true beauty in a world where Trap Queen fills the ears.

While the material sounds like it would bore younger readers, that might not be far off. It’s not for everyone, but it hits that audio aesthetic itch that so many possess. The best works of the English language are condensed into what should be taught in schools. It’s not dumbed down, but purified into its best form.


01. Jeffery Dench extract from As You Like It (‘All the world’s a stage….’)
02. Judi Dench Sonnet 116 (‘Let me not to the marriage of true minds….’)
03. David Suchet extract from Antony and Cleopatra (‘The barge she sat in….’)
04. Judi Dench Sonnet 87 (‘Farewell – thou art too dear….’)
05. Jeffery Dench extract from Romeo and Juliet (‘But soft, what light through….’)
06. David Suchet extract from Henry V (‘Once more unto the breach….’)
07. Emilia Fox extract from The Merchant of Venice (‘The quality of mercy….’)
08. Judi Dench Sonnet 30 (‘When to the sessions….’)
09. Jeffery Dench extract from A Midsummer Night’s Dream (‘I pray thee give it e….’)
10. Oliver Dench extracts from The Tempest (‘Come unto these….’) (‘Full fathom five….’)
11. Emilia Fox extract from Romeo and Juliet (‘Farewell, God knows….’)
12. Jeffery Dench Sonnet 18 (‘Shall I compare thee….’?)
13. David Suchet extract from Richard III (‘Now is the winter of our discontent….’)
14. Judi Dench extract from A Midsummer Night’s Dream (‘These are the forgeries….’)
15. David Suchet extract from The Merchant of Venice (‘He hath disgraced me….’)
16. Emilia Fox extract from Hamlet (‘There is a willow….’)
17. David Suchet extract from Henry V (‘O for a muse of fire….’)
18. Jeffery Dench extract from Hamlet (‘To be or not to be….’)
19. Emilia Fox extract from A Midsummer Night’s Dream (‘How happy some o’er other….’)
20. David Suchet extract from Henry V (‘Now entertain conjecture….’)
21. Jeffery Dench and Oliver Dench extract from The Winter’s Tale (‘I would there were no age….’)
22. Judi Dench extract from Antony and Cleopatra (‘I dreamt there was an Emperor….’)
23. Judi Dench Sonnet 29 (‘When in disgrace with fortune….’)
24. Jeffrey Dench extract from The Tempest (‘Now my charms….’)


Troy Anderson is the Owner/Editor-in-Chief of AndersonVision. He uses a crack team of unknown heroes to bring you the latest and greatest in Entertainment News.

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