Saturday, February 8, 2025

Best of 2019

Talking about the Best Films of 2019 in 2020 [Review]

While I've been waiting to finish off the Best of 2019, I've been preparing...

Best of 2019: American Factory & Little Women

American Factory is the highest ranking documentary on this list. What would an AndersonVision...

Marriage Story [Top 25 of 2019 #7]

Marriage Story is amazing. But, it's also disappointing. It's probably the most well acted...

Joker: I Love Everything You Hate [Top 25 of 2019]

Top 25 of 2019: #6 Joker People thought there were going to be mass...

The Irishman [Best of 2019 #9]

The Irishman review took so long because I watch films we cover three times....

Richard Jewell: Best of 2019 #13 review

Richard Jewell is one of those movies that tackled a real-life case that I...

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is the first biopic that matters in ages....

Elderly Man Angered at Young Man’s Lack of Lobster Fondness: The Lighthouse Review – Best of 2019 #8

The Lighthouse is yet another period film about supernatural terror striking among the mundane....

Greener Grass review: Best of 2019 #15 Greener Grass is not for everyone. Oddball comedy that skews closer to the insane...

1917 review: War in one take

1917 is the World War I movie equivalent of The Phantom Menace. I tried...

Best of 2019 List: #21-17

#21 Ash is Purest White The Best of 2019 revealed some things to me....

Dolemite Is My Name review Best of 2019 #22

Dolemite Is My Name was practically the Blaxploitation Ed Wood. By that, I mean...

Diane review: Best of 2019 #23

Diane is a film that has been percolating in my brain for a bit....

Satanic Panic (Top 25 of 2019)

#24 Satanic Panic Satanic Panic is a film that the Film Twitter horde recommended to...

The Nightingale

Best Film of 2019: #25 The Nightingale The Nightingale is a film that hits all...

AndersonVision’s Almost Best of 2019 List

Every year, AndersonVision sits down and selects the best films of 2019. Last year,...